The Croatian Mint was founded on 26 April 1993 under the name Croatian Monetary Institute.
The CMI’s core business is the production of:
The founder of the Croatian Mint is the Croatian National Bank with a 100% share.
The share capital is 17.426.300,00 kuna.
ZABA (account no.): IBAN HR1223600001101320694; SWIFT: ZABAHR2X;
PBZ (account no.): IBAN HR5623400091110022795; SWIFT: PBZG HR 2X; : 0318396; OIB: 13018705268; VAT HR 13018705268.
The Croatian Mint is registered at the Commercial Court in Zagreb, 080016733.
The share capital is 2,312,860.00 EUR and was paid fully.
Company member: Robert Blaić