Au 1g: 89.87 €
Ag 1g: 0.98 €

Gold 1g: 89.87 € | Silver 1g: 0.98 € | Platinum 1g: 28.84 € | Last update: 24.03.2025. 13:44:00

+385 1 3322 106 [email protected]
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General terms of business



Svetonedeljska cesta 2

10 431 Sveta Nedelja, Croatia,

PIN: 13018705268,

The company is incorporated into Register of the Commercial Court in Zagreb under reference number Tt-12/12189-4

Company registration number: 080016733

Phone number: +385 1 3322 106
E-mail: [email protected]

IBAN: ZABA HR1223600001101320694

VAT ID: ID HR13018705268

Share capital of the company: 2,312,860.00 EUR

Company member: Robert Blaić

Please carefully read the Terms of Use of the website of the company Croatian Mint Ltd. for the purpose of purchasing products and obtaining information about products that the company Croatian Mint Ltd. provides through the aforementioned website.

These Terms of Use also constitute a pre-contractual notice in the manner regulated by the Consumer Protection Act.

The Consumer, in the capacity of the Buyer, enters into a sales contract with the company Croatian Mint Ltd., Svetonedeljska cesta 2, 10 431 Sveta Nedelja, Croatia, PIN: 13018705268 (hereinafter: the Seller) in the capacity of the Seller.

Croatian Mint Ltd. as the Seller makes these terms available to users and instructs them to familiarize themselves with them in detail before using the website in order to purchase products advertised on it or obtain information about a particular product.

The Terms of Use regulate the relations between the Seller and the Buyer, the rights and obligations of the Seller, and the rights and obligations of the Buyer, regarding the conditions and manner of selling the Products, Product prices, delivery and distribution of Products, receipt of the Products, return, shipping, method of payment and other issues related to the sale of Products.

Legal entities as buyers are subject to the application of the Civil Obligations Act and the Electronic Commerce Act, and the Consumer Protection Act does not apply to them.

Sections of these Terms of Use regarding complaints do not apply to legal entities as buyers. In these cases, the relevant provisions of the Civil Obligations Act and the Electronic Commerce Act apply. The seller may, at his choice, grant to the legal entity in each specific case the rights of the buyer who is the consumer.

The conclusion of sales contract via website is regulated in accordance with the legal provisions, taking into account in particular the principles and provisions of directives and regulations of the European Union. Concluding a contract via the website represents the conclusion of a distance contract.

Means of distance communication are all means that can be used for concluding distance contracts without simultaneous physical presence of the trader and the consumer, such as the Internet and e-mail.

The Terms of Use in force at the time of concluding the contract with the Seller will be valid for the Buyer. The Buyer will confirm by marking in the place provided for that purpose when ordering that he fully understands and accepts the Terms. The Terms will be delivered to the Buyer to his e-mail address in pdf format. In case of any ambiguity in the Terms, the Buyer may contact the Seller.

The Seller instructs the Users to familiarize themselves with these Terms of Use before the purchase and to check them regularly, in order to be aware of all rights and obligations, and in case of any ambiguity, they can contact the Seller.

For all that is not regulated by these Terms, the applicable provisions of the Civil Obligations Act, the Consumer Protection Act, the Trade Act and the Electronic Commerce Act apply, as applicable.

The website of the company Croatian Mint, ie web shop can be used for your private use without any fees for use, and according to the terms of purchase listed below.

By using this website to purchase or collect information about the products found on it, you confirm that you are familiar with these Terms of use and that you agree to them.


Article 1

The website is owned by the company Croatian Mint Ltd., Svetonedeljska cesta 2, 10 431 Sveta Nedelja, Croatia, PIN: 13018705268, entered into the court register of the Commercial Court in Zagreb under the company registration number: 080016733.

The Seller is released from any liability for damage that may occur to devices that provide access to and data stored on the same devices when using if it is caused by illegal actions of third parties, computer viruses, etc., and other cases for which the Seller is not responsible. Also, the Seller is released from any liability in the event of circumstances that prevent the use of website.

Due to the open nature of this website and the possibility of errors in the storage and transmission of digital data, the Seller does not guarantee the accuracy and security of information transmitted or collected through this website, unless expressly stated otherwise on this website. Croatian Mint reserves the right to make errors in the description and image of the product.

The Seller places all materials, photographs and text on the website in good faith to make it easier for the Buyer to make a choice when making a purchase. The Seller does not guarantee that the photos of the product fully correspond to the appearance of the product itself. The Seller reserves the right to make errors in the description and image of the product set according to the information provided by the manufacturer, as described in the previous paragraph. There may be differences between the actual product and the photo of the product and the product described on this site, which does not represent a material defect of the product. All descriptions are checked regularly and in detail.

We are investing in the development of the review process. We do not practice or encourage the submission of false consumer reviews or recommendations, or ordering from another legal or natural person to submit them, or misrepresenting consumer reviews or social recommendations to promote a product. Our reviews are subject to the user identity verification process, and we make every effort to ensure that the published reviews come from consumers who have actually used or purchased the product. We have no influence on reviews left through Google and Facebook accounts, and we cannot influence their technical preferences regarding the verification of the identity of users who provide reviews.

Certain terms in these Terms of Use have the following meaning:

“The Seller” within the meaning of these Terms of Use is the company Croatian Mint Ltd., Svetonedeljska cesta 2, 10 431 Sveta Nedelja, PIN: 13018705268, P: + 385 1 3322-106, [email protected].

“The Products” within the meaning of these Terms of Use are all products that are featured on the website (hereinafter: “the Website”), which can be purchased via web-shop. The right to use the Website is a personal right of the user and it cannot be transferred to other natural or legal person in any way, nor is the user authorized to sign up other natural or legal person. The end user is personally responsible for the confidentiality of passwords where they are needed. The end user is aware of the fact that there may be occasional service disruptions or events which are outside the Seller’s control and accepts that the Seller is not liable for any data loss that may occur during online transfer of information. The user agrees and accepts that access to the Website may sometimes be interrupted, temporarily unavailable or shutdown.

“The Web-shop” within the meaning of these Terms of Use is Product purchasing via “

“The User” within the meaning of these Terms of Use is any legal entity or natural person who accesses and/or uses the content and services of the Website and/or uses the Web-shop service, and comprises all customers and visitors to the Website.

“Registered User” within the meaning of these Terms of Use is a user who underwent registration to use the Web-shop service on the Website.

“The Customer” within the meaning of these Terms of Use is a user who, having browsed and selected the Product, registers their data, orders the Product via the Web-shop and pays the purchase price. The Buyer as a natural person can only be an adult having legal capacity. The contract may be concluded in the name of and on behalf of a minor or a person with no legal capacity by their legal representatives, and persons with partial legal capacity may conclude the contract only with the consent of their legal representative. Seller shall assume no liability for any action contrary to this provision.

“Investment gold” within the meaning of these Terms of Use is (i) gold in the form of bars or plates weighing as accepted in the precious metals market, of a purity equal to or greater than 995 thousandths, whether or not represented by securities; (ii) gold coins a) of purity equal to or greater than 900 thousandths, b) minted after the year 1800, c) which are currently legal tender or have been legal tender in the country of origin, and d) which are normally sold at a price not exceeding 80% of the value of open market gold contained in coins.


Article 2

Upon the first purchase, the Buyer shall be required to fill in the required registration fields with true, complete, valid and accurate information and accept the Terms of Use. Acceptance of the Terms of Use shall be confirmed by the Buyer through registration, making the Buyer a Registered User. As such, the Buyer shall be able view all their orders in the order archives, monitor the progress of the order and change their user data. The registered user shall be obliged to take care of the security of their user password and to change it from time to time. Registration or user account shall be created only for one natural person or one legal entity and it is expressly forbidden to disclose registration or user account information to third parties, transfer the user account to third parties, and use someone else’s registration or user account.

Mandatory registration information:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • E-mail address
  • Telephone
  • Country
  • Address
  • City
  • ZIP code
  • Password.

The customer in the Web-shop shall put the selected Products into the cart. Before purchase confirmation, the Buyer must read the Terms of Use and mark the specified field as a confirmation of agreement with and acceptance of the Terms of Use (confirmation of the purchase without marking the specified field is not possible). Up until the purchase is confirmed, the customer is free to add or withdraw Products from the cart.

The personal data protection shall be specifically elaborated in the section of the Website entitled “Privacy”.

By accepting the quotation, the Buyer declares to have read these Terms of Use, agrees to their application and accepts all rights and obligations arising from them.

The Seller informs the Buyer by e-mail about the fact of concluding the Contract, and submits to him the Terms of Use with content in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act.

Acceptance of a product order is subject to availability. Accordingly, we reserve the right to offer you a replacement product of the same or higher quality and value in the event of difficulties with product delivery or a lack of items in stock. If you do not want to order a replacement product, we will refund the amount paid. While we will always do our best to process all orders, there are extraordinary circumstances that compel us to refuse to process an order.

The Seller reserves the right to immediately revoke any passwords or user accounts of the User in case of any behaviour of the User which the Seller, at its discretion, deems unacceptable, as well as in any case of non-compliance with the Terms of Use by the User.


Article 3

Product accessibility is subject to its availability, which is visible when choosing the Product in the Webshop.

The Seller cannot guarantee that the colour and design of the Product, as displayed on the screen of the Buyer’s device, will fully match the actual Product.

The Seller shall be obliged to deliver the Product to the Buyer as soon as possible depending on the availability of the Product.

The Product shall be delivered within 5–10 days (depending on the Product), and no later than 30 days from the day on which the order was made, or from the day the Product became available. Orders received during non-business days are processed on the first following business day. The Seller is not bound by the aforementioned terms in case of making custom medals, Products for which it is necessary to contact the Seller by e-mail or telephone in order to define all the terms.

The Seller shall not be liable for delays or other problems in the delivery of the Product caused by Force Majeure or other exceptional circumstances beyond the Seller’s control, such as the cessation of operation of smelters, strike, blockades, inability to import raw materials, restrictions imposed by the regulatory authorities on the Seller regarding the delivery of the Product, natural disasters and other exceptional situations. In the aforementioned circumstances, the Seller is released from the obligation to comply with the agreed term of delivery, in which case the Buyer shall be notified of the extended term of delivery of the ordered Product(s) without undue delay. In the aforementioned circumstances, the Buyer may request termination of the contract and a refund within 8 days since the notification was sent. Otherwise, it shall be deemed that the Buyer accepts the new extended term of delivery. In this case, the Buyer shall have no right to compensation or other requests or claims against the Seller.


For orders below EUR 199.08 (HRK 1,500.00) postage with full insurance of the package is EUR 6.10 (HRK 45,99) including VAT.

For orders from HRK EUR 199.08 (HRK 1,500.00) to EUR 19,908.42 (HRK 150,000.00) delivery is free.

For orders over EUR 19,908.42 (HRK 150,000.00), the Customer receives an offer by e-mail with the method of delivery, price and delivery address. After the recorded payment of the Buyer according to the submitted offer, the Seller will send the stored items to the specified address in the shortest possible time, not longer than five working days. For orders over EUR 33,180.70 (HRK 250,000.00), it is possible, at the request of the Buyer, to arrange personal collection of the Storage Item from the Seller at the Buyer’s expense, which for security reasons must be agreed at least 48 hours in advance. The Seller reserves the right to postpone the handover of the Storage Item for a maximum of five working days if it is unable to ensure the collection of the Storage Item within 48 hours for technical or security reasons, and the Seller will notify the Buyer without delay.


International shipments shall be delivered by the courier service of DHL within 10 to 15 business days following the delivery from the Seller, depending on the destination. Postage expenses depend on the destination, weight and size of the package. For details on postage expenses, it is necessary to add the Products to the cart and then the postage expenses will be calculated.

For delivery to countries outside the EU, packages may be cleared through customs, depending on the laws of each country. The Buyers shall comply with the laws and regulations of the country of destination. Any additional costs (customs and other) are covered by the Buyer (recipient). Contact your local customs office for more information.

The Seller has fulfilled the obligation to hand over the Product to the Buyer when the Seller delivers or hands over a document to the Buyer by which the Product can be taken over, containing an indication of the location of taking over.
On behalf of the Buyer, the Product may be taken over by a person authorized by the Buyer pursuant to a special power of attorney certified by a notary public.

All products are packaged and protected so that they cannot be damaged by normal handling during transport. When taking over the delivered products, the verification of the correctness of the order depends on the Buyer. By signing the acknowledgment of receipt of the shipment, the Buyer confirms that he has received an undamaged package, ie it is considered that the Buyer has determined by inspecting the shipment that the products were taken without damage, that they correspond quantitatively and qualitatively to the invoice.

In the event that the Buyer refuses to take over the ordered and paid products without a valid reason, the Seller has the right to ask the Buyer to reimburse the costs of handling and transport.

If the Buyer does not take over the product or refuses to take over the product without a valid reason, the Seller reserves the right to claim reimbursement of handling, transportation and other possible costs. Unreceived packages are kept by the Seller for a maximum of 14 days from the failed delivery / pick-up notice, in which the product can be picked up by arrangement. After that, the contract is considered terminated and the money paid for the product will be refunded.

The Seller reserves the right to limit the maximum quantity of one identical item.


Article 4

Product prices are retail. Product prices and delivery prices are expressed in EUR and include the corresponding VAT. Before payment, the amount to be charged is visible, depending on the payment method you choose.

The Seller reserves the right to change the prices of the Product at the moment of placing the order and the price at the moment of accepting the order, as a result of major changes in the precious metal exchange markets. The Buyer will be notified of any changes in a timely manner.

Up until the purchase is confirmed, the customer is free to add or withdraw Products from the cart. By confirming the purchase (by clicking on the fields “confirm purchase”, “order”, etc.) the Buyer confirms their agreement with the price published in the price list of the Web-shop at that time.

VAT shall be charged on the product categories of commemorative silver coins, circulating commemorative coins, gold and silver medals, medals made of base metals and custom medals.


Article 5

By confirming the order, the Seller confirms the Buyer’s order and the Buyer will receive an order confirmation by e-mail.

When it comes to the purchase of the numismatic set of collector gold coins and/or numismatic set of collector silver coins once the quotation is delivered to the Buyer by e-mail, the price indicated on the quotation is valid for 2 hours from the moment of delivery of the quotation. The Buyer shall send a confirmation of payment to the Seller within 2 hours from the delivery of the quotation to the e-mail address of the Seller: [email protected].

In case the Buyer does not deliver the confirmation of payment to the Seller within 2 hours from the delivery of the quotation, the price indicated on the quotation is no longer valid and the Buyer is obliged to place a new order.

If the price of the product in the cart does not match the actual price of the product due to a technical difficulty or server failure at the time of order placement, the Seller reserves the right to notify the Buyer of the error and terminate the quotation. We will notify you as soon as possible and give you the option to confirm the order at the correct price or cancel the order.

We sell limited quantities of individual products per registered user/customer. The Seller reserves the right to independently determine the type of product sold exclusively in one copy to the one registered user – the Buyer and/or the products that are sold in other limited quantities. By the same Buyer of the product sold in one copy and/or other limited quantity is always considered a registered user (with the information registered in these Terms of Use) but also the other registered user if the delivery address matches the address already noted as the delivery address of the other buyer. If, due to technical malfunctions or technical difficulties, an order containing a quantity greater than allowed is submitted, the Seller reserves the right to inform the registered user about the resulting error, the inability  of executing the sale and about the termination of the offer. We will notify you as soon as possible and give you the option to confirm the order with the correct information or cancel the order.

Moreover, the Seller shall respect the Buyer’s decision to withdraw from the quotation if the new/corrected price does not suit the Buyer and the Seller undertakes to make a refund within 48 hours of the Buyer’s disagreement with the new and corrected price.

The process of entering the Product price on the Website is subject to control at several levels, which does not exclude the possibility of error since it is not an automatic entry. Such situations are exceptional, but in the event of errors, the Seller shall retain the possibility of incorrectly stated price of the Product and the impossibility of delivery according to the order made at the wrong price, of which the Buyer shall be notified.


Article 6

The following payment methods are available:

  • General payment slip/bank transfer;
  • Credit card (MasterCard, Maestro and Visa debit cards 2-6 installments; Visa credit cards 1-12 installments; Visa Premium cards 2-6 installments; Diners and Discover cards; Visa Inspire PBZ, Visa Electron and Pay, MB Plus);
  • Pay Pal;
  • Keks Pay;
  • Aircash.

The Buyer shall make a payment via bank transfer according to the following instructions:

To: Croatian Mint Ltd., Svetonedeljska cesta 2, 10 431 Sveta Nedelja, Croatia, PIN: 13018705268 

Bank Account:
Bank Zagrebačka banka d.d. – IBAN : HR7623600001502825725, SWIFT: ZABAHR2X

Reference number: HR00 – quotation number

Payment description: Payment by order number (quotation number)

If the payment is made in euros, it is necessary to make money transfer by remittance, and the SWIFT bank and the name of the bank should be added, along with the aforementioned information.


Article 7

In the event that the Buyer finds that the Product is defective or damaged, they will inform the Seller about this in writing (by mail or e-mail) to the e-mail address [email protected] or to the address of the Seller: Svetonedeljska cesta 2, 10 431 Sveta Nedelja. In order for the Seller to comment on the complaint, Buyers are asked to provide a description of the complaint, as well as information on the order number, invoice number or username of the Buyer.

The Seller must respond in writing to the consumer’s complaint no later than 15 days from the date of receipt of the complaint. In order for the Seller to respond to the consumer’s written complaint not sent by e-mail, consumers are asked to provide accurate information about their name and surname and the address to which they will get a response.

Seller is responsible for material defects of the Product, in accordance with applicable regulations.

The Buyer is obliged to notify the Seller of the existence of visible defects within two months from the date of discovery of the defect, and no later than two years from the transfer of risk to the Buyer.

When upon receipt of the item by the Buyer it turns out that the item has a defect that could not be detected by normal inspection when taking over the item, the Buyer is obliged, under the threat of loss of rights, to notify the Seller of the defect within two months from the date of discovery of the defect.

The Seller is not responsible for any defects that appear after two years from the delivery of the Product.

In case of impossibility of delivery of other goods, the Seller will reimburse the Buyer for the postage costs of returning the goods and any value of the goods that the Seller is no longer able to deliver.

Article 8

The Seller is liable for material defects of the product it  had at the time of the transfer of risk to the Buyer, whether or not he was aware of it. The Seller is also liable for those material defects that occur after the transfer of risk to the Buyer if they are the result of a cause that existed before. A defect that has occurred within one year of the transfer of risk is presumed to have existed at the time of the transfer of risk, unless the Seller proves otherwise or the contrary arises from the nature of the product or the nature of the defect.

The Seller is not responsible for a minor material defect. The Seller is not liable for defects if they were known to the Buyer at the time of concluding the contract or could not remain unknown to him. The Seller is also liable for defects that the Buyer could easily notice if he stated that the item has no defects or that the item has certain properties or characteristics.

The defect exists:

1) if the item does not correspond to the description, type, quantity and quality, ie if it does not have the functionality, compatibility, interoperability and other features as it is determined by the sales contract,

2) if the item is not suitable for any special purpose for which the buyer needs it and with which the buyer informed the seller at the latest at the time of concluding the contract and in relation to which the seller gave his consent,

3) if the item is not delivered with all additional equipment and instructions, including installation instructions, as stipulated in the sales contract, or

4) if the item has not been delivered with updates as determined by sales contract,

5) if the item is not suitable for use for purposes for which the item of the same type would normally be used, taking into account all European Union and Croatian regulations, technical standards or, in the absence of such technical standards, applicable codes of conduct in a particular area, if any,

6) if the item does not correspond to the quality and description of the sample or model that the seller made available to the buyer before concluding the contract

7) if the item is not supplied with additional equipment, including packaging, installation instructions or other instructions, the receipt of which the buyer can reasonably expect,

8) if the item does not correspond to the quantity or does not have those properties and other characteristics, including those related to durability, functionality, compatibility and safety, which are common to the item of the same type and which the buyer can reasonably expect given the nature of the item, public statements made by the seller or other persons in previous stages of the transaction chain, including the manufacturer, or made on their behalf, in particular in advertising or labeling,

9) if the item is incorrectly installed or assembled, and the installation or assembly service forms part of the sales contract and was performed by the seller or the person for whom he is responsible or

10) if the item intended to be installed or assembled by the buyer is incorrectly installed or assembled by the buyer, and the incorrect installation or assembly is due to a lack of instructions provided by the seller or, in the case of items with digital elements which were provided by the seller or digital content provider or digital service provider.

If the Buyer expected certain properties of the item based on the statements of the manufacturer or his representative, the defect is not taken into account if the Seller did not know or could not have known about these statements, or these statements were refuted by the time the sales contract was concluded or did not affect the decision of the Buyer to conclude the sales contract.

Article 9

If the existence of a material defect is determined, the Seller may have one of the following obligations, all in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Obligations Act according to the consumer’s choice:

• removing the defect,

• delivery of another product without defect,

• price reduction.

The Buyer may terminate the contract only if he has previously given the Seller a subsequent reasonable period of time to fulfil the contract.

The Buyer may terminate the contract without leaving a subsequent reasonable period of time if the Seller has informed him, after the notification of defect, that he will not fulfil the contract or if the circumstances of the case clearly show that the Seller will not be able to fulfil the contract in a subsequent reasonable period of time, as well as if the Buyer due to the delay of the Seller cannot archive the purpose for which he concluded the contract.

If the Seller does not fulfil the contract within the subsequent reasonable period of time, it is terminated by law, but the Buyer may maintain it if he declares to the Seller without delay that the contract remains in force.

The Seller is entitled to refuse to remove the defect if repair and replacement are impossible or would incur disproportionate costs taking into account all circumstances, in particular the value of the product without defect, the significance of the defect and the question if the repair or replacement can be done without significant inconvenience to the Buyer.

When the Buyer is a legal entity, the rules on material defects prescribed by the Civil Obligations Act apply to him and the rules from this section “Complaints” do not apply to him.


Article 10

In the event of a dispute, the Seller and the consumer will resolve the dispute amicably, and if this is not possible, the court with substantive and territorial jurisdiction in the Republic of Croatia shall have jurisdiction with the application of Croatian law.

Other mechanisms for out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes may be used before other conciliation centre’s, which, within their competence, deal with alternative settlement of consumer disputes.

Across the EU, online shopping disputes can be resolved through the European Commission’s ODR platform. The Consumer Dispute Resolution Platform can be accessed via the link:


Article 11

The Consumer may unilaterally terminate the contract within 14 days without giving a reason.

There is no possibility of unilateral termination of contracts for coins or products whose price depends on fluctuations in financial markets. These are the following products: all coins minted in gold, silver, platinum or base metals. There is also no possibility of unilateral termination of the contract for custom medals.

The period of 14 days begins to run from the day when the product is handed over to the Consumer or a third party designated by the Consumer, who is not a carrier.

If the Consumer orders several pieces of products to be delivered separately in one order, or if the goods are delivered in several pieces or more shipments, the period of 14 days begins to run from the day when the Consumer or a third party designated by the Consumer, which is not a carrier, is handed over possession of the last piece or last consignment of the product.

If there is agreement regarding regular delivery of goods, the period of 14 days starts from the day when the first piece or the first consignment of the product is handed over to the Consumer or to a third person designated by the Consumer, who is not a carrier.

If the Consumer is not notified of the right to terminate the contract, the Consumer’s right to unilateral termination of the contract expires after 12 months from the expiration of 14 days.

If the webshop has notified the Consumer of the right to terminate the contract within 12 months, the right to unilateral termination of the contract expires after the expiration of 14 days from the time the Consumer received the notice.

In order for the Consumer to exercise the right to unilateral termination of the contract, he must notify the webshop of his decision to unilaterally terminate the contract before the expiration of 14 days by an unequivocal statement sent by mail or e-mail, stating his name and surname, address, telephone number or e-mail address, and thereby the Consumer may, at his own discretion, use the below form for unilateral termination of the contract. The Consumer may terminate the contract by filling out the form at the end of this notice and send it to the webshop or by e-mail. A copy of the form for unilateral termination of the contract you can dowload below.

Confirmation of receipt of the statement of unilateral termination of the contract will be delivered by the webshop to the Consumer without delay, by e-mail address, in the event of termination of the contract sent by electronic means.

In the event of termination of the contract, each party is obliged to return to the other party what it has received under the contract. If the consumer exercises his right to unilateral termination of the contract, the web shop must without delay, and no later than 14 days from the date of receipt of notification of the consumer’s decision to terminate the contract, return to the consumer everything he paid under the contract. The web shop is not obliged to reimburse the additional costs resulting from the consumer’s explicit choice of mode of transport other than the cheapest type of standard transport offered by the web shop Except when the web shop has offered to pick up the goods returned by the consumer, the web shop must refund the payment only after the goods are returned to it, ie, after the consumer provides proof that he sent the goods back, if the consumer notified before receipt of the goods. The web shop must refund the payment using the same means of payment used by the consumer when paying unless the consumer explicitly agrees to another means of payment, and assuming that the consumer is not obliged to pay any additional costs for such refund.

Unless the web shop has offered to take over the goods returned by the Consumer itself, the Consumer must return the goods without delay, and no later than 14 days after notifying the web shop of his decision to terminate the contract.

It is considered that the Consumer has fulfilled his obligation to return the goods on time if he sends the goods before the deadline or hands them over to the web shop, ie to the person authorized by the Seller to receive the goods.

All possible direct costs of returning the product are borne by the consumer himself, ie in the case when the goods due to their nature cannot be returned by mail in the usual way, these costs are borne by the consumer.

Article 12

The Consumer is responsible for any impairment of the goods resulting from the handling of the goods other than that which was necessary to determine the nature, characteristics and functionality of the product.

In order for the Consumer to determine the nature, characteristics and functionality of the goods, he can handle the goods and inspect the goods only in the way that is usual when buying goods at the Seller’s premises.

In the period in which the consumer exercises the right of return, he must keep the goods with due care, ie he must behave like a particularly careful and conscientious person.

In the event of impairment of the Product as a result of excessive handling of the Product, the Seller will assess the impairment of the Product taking into account the objective criteria of each individual case and will inform the Buyer.

When the Buyer is a legal entity, the section of these Terms of Use entitled “Right to unilateral termination of the contract” does not apply to him. For legal entities, the Civil Obligations Act and the Electronic Commerce Act apply.


Article 13

The buyer has the right to unilaterally terminate the contract within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of delivery of the product purchased by concluding the distance contract, without giving a reason.

The Buyer is not entitled to unilateral termination of the Contract if:

– the trader has fully fulfilled the service contract, and the fulfilment began with the explicit prior consent of the consumer and with his confirmation that he is aware of the fact that he will lose the right to unilateral termination of the contract from this section if the service is fully performed

– the subject of a contract are goods or services whose price depends on changes in the financial market that are beyond the influence of the trader, and which may occur during the consumer’s right to unilateral termination of the contract

– the subject of the contract are goods made to the consumer’s specification or clearly adapted to the consumer

– the subject of the contract are perishable goods or goods which are rapidly expiring

– the subject of the contract are sealed goods which due to health or hygiene reasons are not suitable for return, if they were unsealed after delivery

– the subject of a contract are goods which, due to their nature, are inseparably mixed with other items after delivery

– the subject of the contract is the delivery of alcoholic beverages whose price was agreed at the time of concluding the contract, and delivery may follow only after 30 days, if the price depends on changes in the market that are beyond the influence of the trader

– the consumer specifically requested a visit from the trader to perform urgent repairs or maintenance work, provided that during such a visit, in addition to those services that the consumer explicitly requested, the trader provides other services, or delivers other goods than those necessary for performing urgent repairs or maintenance work, the consumer has the right to unilaterally terminate the contract in relation to these additional services or goods

– the subject of the contract is the supply of sealed audio or video recordings, or computer programs, which are unsealed after delivery

– the subject of the contract is the supply of newspapers, periodical press or magazines, with the exception of subscription contracts for such publications

– the contract is concluded at a public auction

– the subject of the contract is the provision of non-residential accommodation, the provision of transport services, car rental services, food and beverage delivery services or leisure services, if it is agreed that the service will be provided on a certain date or in a certain period

– the subject of the contract is the delivery of digital content that is not delivered on physical media if the fulfilment of the contract began with the explicit prior consent of the consumer and his confirmation that he is aware of the fact that he will lose the right to unilateral termination of the contract.

There is no possibility of unilateral termination of contracts for coins or products whose price depends on fluctuations in financial markets. These are the following products: all coins minted in gold, silver, platinum or base metals. There is also no possibility of unilateral termination of the contract for custom medals.


Article 14

The Seller is authorized to change the content of these Terms of Use, the product range, other information related to the Website and all other content subject to public publication on the Website at any time, without prior notice. All changes take effect at the time of their publication on the Website, and Users are obliged to review the content of the Website before each visit.


For all inquiries please contact us at:
Telephone: +385 1 3322 106
E-mail: [email protected]


Article 15

The seller is the owner of all content published on the Website. These contents may only be used for private and non-commercial purposes and may not be copied, reproduced or distributed in any way without the written consent of the Seller. If the content is used for private and non-commercial purposes, all disclaimers must be transmitted and the Source: must be indicated.

When using the Website, Users shall provide accurate, valid and complete personal data, especially when filling out the registration form. Failure to do so authorizes the Seller to deny access to the Products to any such User.

The Seller places all materials, photographs and text on the Website in good faith in order to facilitate the User’s choice when making a purchase. Seller does not warrant that photographs of the Product fully correspond to the appearance of the Product itself. The Seller is not responsible for possible unintentional errors in the description of the Product. Differences between the actual Product, the photograph of the Product and the described Product on this site are possible if the manufacturer changes any of the characteristics or content of the Product. All descriptions are checked regularly and in detail.

The Seller disclaims any liability that may arise in any way or is in any way related to the use of the Website and for any damage that may occur to the User or any third party through the use or misuse of the content of the Website.

The Seller assumes no responsibility for the content, availability, operation, legality and truthfulness of the content on the Website. Furthermore, the Seller assumes no responsibility for possible damages that may arise due to inability to access the Website.